Styling Life with Brittney Peters

We all move through this world uniquely, creating a lifestyle that reflects who we are. Along with being curious about how people style their bodies & homes, I'm fascinated by what drives folks to follow their hearts & shape our world in unique ways. I hope this project will inspire others to live creatively, with love & passion.

My life, and therefore my business, have gone through some drastic shifts this year. With the relaunch of the new site and my first handcrafted collection coming on Sept. 14th, I thought I would take a moment to reintroduce myself - I feel like this series is the perfect space to do so!

Can you please share a bit about who you are?

I'm Brittney Peters (she/her), a textile artist, clothing designer & treasure collector who loves cooking, gardening, mountain road trips, & reading entire novels in one day.

What is Flopsy Life?

A dream come true! From a shop offering handcrafted & thoughtfully chosen goods to a journal filled with lifestyle articles & recipes, FL is a culmination of everything I'm fascinated by. You can read more about my ethos & offerings here.

What inspired you to start Flopsy Life?

Everything I offer is something I was doing for myself that other folks kept asking for. My latest endeavour, sewing & botanically dyeing garments, was born of a desire for maternity clothing I was excited to wear for years after my bebé was born. When I kept getting stopped by strangers in the street to ask where I got a piece, I decided to create my first handcrafted collection for Flopsy Life (available Sept. 14th).

What is your dream for Flopsy Life? What do you hope it will grow into?

I dream of one day seeing my garments in boutiques around the world so that folks everywhere can try them on & find something they feel beautiful in. I hope these pieces are seen as wearable works of art, to be cherished for years, serving as a reminder to be creative, slow down & enjoy life.

What does personal style mean to you?

Personal style is an anchor to who I am & who I want to be, and a chance to start each day with creativity.

How would you define your style in 1-4 words?

Bohemian minimalism.

What role does clothing play in your life?

A prominent one, considering what I do! Personally, though, intentionally getting dressed is one way I stay grounded in the chaos of life. When I feel good about how I look, I feel less anxious & more like my sparkly, sunshine-y, confident self & make decisions from that mindset.

The ritual of getting dressed has been so soothing during all the changes of pregnancy - every single thing about my life & body is different, but what I choose to wear is something I can still control.

Do you have any outfits or other rituals you turn to when you need a boost of confidence?

Right now, my favourite outfits all include my handcrafted garments because of how they look & feel on my body, as well as the story behind them - I'm so proud of what I've created!

When I'm not feeling confident, I'll journal why I'm feeling off & what's coming up. I'll also meditate or dance to reconnect with my breath & body, release some endorphins, & shift the mental spirals I sometimes find myself stuck in.

What rituals or routines do you have for staying grounded?

SO MANY!!! Morning pages, meditation, reading tarot, burning incense, yoga, gardening, cooking - all little daily things that help me connect with & nurture myself & my surroundings.

What values & principles guide your life?

Beauty, nurturing & connection - when I live intentionally with these core values, my life feels magical.

What does balance mean to you? How do you find it?

I used to think balance was something I could achieve, that every part of my life was equal. I now feel like it's always in flux - my external life will continuously flow between what's important to me, sometimes with more energy devoted to one area over others, but what matters is how balanced I feel internally. Is my mind & mental health peaceful? Am I taking care of myself? Do I feel good about the decisions I'm making & how I'm moving through the world?

What are some of the challenges you've faced (in business, life or both)? How did you move through them?

Some challenges have stemmed from chronic pain & the logistics of managing that & a business, others from choosing a different way of living. But most have come from my own internal beliefs & lack of faith in myself. I've done so much therapy to move past them & learn to trust myself - I’ve seen a counsellor for over a decade & still go monthly as part of my self-care routine. But the biggest thing that’s helped is having such a wonderfully supportive community.

I know I'm about to face new challenges as I transition into the role of Mother - I have no idea what that will look like, let alone doing that while being a creative entrepreneur.

What impact do you hope to make in this world?

I don't think we ever know the impact we truly have - our actions can ripple out in ways we'll never know. So I hope that just by being myself, following my heart, and taking care of myself, my community, and my little corner of the Earth, I can inspire others to do the same, & they'll inspire folks in their community, & slowly the world will be a little better for us all.

Is there anything you’d say to your younger self?

Oh, sweet soul, hang in there - your life will be more beautiful than your wildest dreams (even if it looks different than you think). Stop trying to control everything & things flow. Hold onto your spark, trust yourself & unconditionally love every part of who you are.

TBH, I'm saying this to myself lately - becoming a Mother feels a little like being reborn & relearning how to do life.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll forever be in awe I get to do this, and your support makes it possible. Whether you've taken the time to read articles on here, shared what I do with others, sent kind words or purchased a piece from the shop, I hope you know how grateful I am & how much I appreciate you.

Also - I hope you feel radiantly beautiful. Find what (& who) lights you up & hold onto that spark. Take good care of yourself, your community, & this home we all share. Remember to slow down, fill your life with pleasure, & enjoy all the sweetness life can bring.


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